This SBC will expire after a month, on Oct. You’ll also receive a gold pack and a small gold players pack for building both squads. This price can be reduced if you craft some cards instead of buying all of them on the FUT market, though. Watch: Kim Min Jae, Kim Hyang Gi, And More Reflect On Poong, The Joseon Psychiatrist, Rave About Casts Chemistry, And Share Excitement For Season 2. This POTM will cost players around 48,650 FUT coins on consoles and 50,650 FUT coins on PC. Kim Min-jae naît le 15 novembre 1996 à Tongyeong, une ville côtière située dans la province du Gyeongsang du Sud 1. The first solution requires an 83-rated squad with at least one player from Napoli while the second one asks for an 85-rated team and no less than a player from Serie A. Kim debuteerde in 2017 in het Zuid-Koreaans voetbalelftal Carrière Zuid-Korea. Hij verruilde Fenerbahçe in 2022 voor SSC Napoli. There are two squads you need to turn in in order to get POTM Min-Jae: Tactical Emulation and Serie A. Kim Min-jae (Tongyeong, 15 december 1996) is een Zuid-Koreaanse voetballer die doorgaans als verdediger speelt. You can apply the shadow chemistry style if you use this card in your team and further improve his Pace (+8) and Defending (+7), which are skills he’ll use a lot as a center-back player. Home Philosophy Profile Contact Awards News ‘THE ONE DROP’ Mable Coffee Table, 2022 ‘BLOSSOM LIGHT’ 3D.

Kim min jae upgrade#
A post shared by EA SPORTS FUT compared to his original 79-rated gold version, EA didn’t change much and only made a slight upgrade to this POTM version by increasing his Passing (+5), Dribbling (+5), Shooting (+4), Defending (+4), Pace (+1), and Physical (+1).